About us

Growing with ViaCura

Therapy software has remained unchanged for too long while the therapy relationship in the SNF has undergone significant shifts. With the lack of choices on the market, we rolled up our sleeves and designed a modern, forward leaning solution. Via Cura addresses the need for change and has built a foundation for the next regulatory shifts. 

Automated Intelligence℠

You set the plan and Via gets to work building schedules, budgeting time, and setting documentation reminders. You retain full control! It's like having a full time assistant by your side.

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Time Logs

Easy time keeping for therapists. Reduces missing time cards and speeds up payroll processing.


Documentation time saved on average.

Report Library

CMS Compliance, Fee Schedules, Dx and Tx codes updated with each rule change or issue. Via Cura is watching the regs and LCDs for your therapy team.

Clinician Features

Simplified Workflow

Daily Planner

The daily planner is built using our Automated Intelligence℠ feature. The evaluating therapist builds the episode with the POC and the planner auto schedules taking into consideration who is treating, caseload for the day, availability, and overlap.

Calendar View

One punch Clock in and clock out marks your paid time on the calendar. 

Take a quick look at your monthly calendar to view total hours worked, treatment minutes logged (in real time), productivity (real time), and missed punches.

The POC and UPOC

ViaCura tracks your documentation progress and allows you to save, edit, and pick up where you left off during those expected interruptions. 

The intuitive documentation path follows the clinical logic along with practical completion logic. 

You'll finish your documentation in half the time, even if you aren't trying to hurry. 

Therapist Dashboard

Your entire day and what's coming up is right in front of you. Log in to find the charges due now, the documentation alerts and upcoming documentation needed. 

Quickly accept patient transfers from other teammates.

Treatment Transfer

When you can't finish your caseload for the day, but treatments are due, simply initiate a transfer for another therapist to grab your treatment for the day. 

The other therapist will see the transfer on their dashboard, accept, and it will be added to their daily planner - automatically.

Efficient Evaluations

The ViaCura evaluation process is quick, intuitive, and helps cut down on errors. 

Simply begin the Eval and watch how fast and smooth the process will flow.

Supervisory Tracking

Each supervising therapist will be alerted for necessary and timely documentation along with upcoming planned visits. 

Supervisory rules follow the federal guidelines as well as state specific guidelines, whichever is more stringent. 

Management Features

Managing Made Easy

Real-Time Data

It's 2023, there is little need to wait on a server to update data overnight. ViaCura collects and posts data immediately for real-time feedback. 

This process allows therapists and managers to quickly glance across the screens to see how performance is trending.

Improved Margins

ViaCura studied documentation patterns from the past 20 years to build a more efficient documentation system. 

The result is therapy providers spending less money on non-billable time and allowing therapists the time necessary to develop caseload and work on outcomes. 

Painless End Of Month

Clean documentation makes for easier EOM processes. ViaCura offers pin-pointed reporting to help guide documentation audits and pre-bill checks. 

The faster you generate end of month invoicing, the quicker you get paid.

Staff Scheduling

ViaCura eliminates the need for someone to set and plan schedules. We think our customer said it best:

"I’m so glad that I’m not responsible for setting every patient’s planner and every therapist’s schedule.”

ViaCura is steadily investing in our Automated Intelligence℠ to look at the current workflow of the department and balance the daily and weekly planner according to available staff. 

Supervisory visits and PRN therapists have advanced access to see when they need to be available. 

Documentation Assurance

ViaCura also uses its Automated Intelligence℠ to set alerts for upcoming documentation based on the type of payor and plan established. 

Supervisory visits and PRN therapists have advanced access to see when they need to be available. 

Facility Access

ViaCura created user roles and reports for MDS nurses and facility clinical directors to access anytime. 

Read what facility nurses are saying about ViaCura:

“I don’t have to chase down the therapists to ask what a patient has been doing in therapy.  I can log in and look at the daily notes much quicker.”

“The software is very easy to use.  I can find therapist documentation very quickly.  I was often frustrated with previous software, as it was so difficult to remember how to locate the documentation.”

This means less calls from the front office. Less complaints to management teams. More coordination of care.

Facility EMR Integration

ViaCura created open-ended hooks to allow easy integration with facility EMRs. 

Of course each EMR decides what will and will not flow back and forth. 

ViaCura can integrate with any EMR which allow access. The work orders take about 60 days to complete. 


How Does It Work?

Via Cura is a secure web-based Software As A Service (SaaS) designed to simplify and enhance the daily workflow for therapists.  However, the underlying design is built to follow the Episode of Care for each patient on caseload. By following the episode of care Via can help clinicians more accurately monitor and predict outcomes mid-stream based on real-time documentation. Every step of the documentation process guides the clinician toward compliance and prepares audit ready records.

Imagine using a therapy software that follows the Plan of Care you established, all while reducing the documentation burden on the clinician! A therapy EHR should never dictate care nor demand your clinical operation to bend. Via Cura is designed to be unobtrusive while giving the user critical tools and information to do what you do best — treat patients and generate audit-ready documentation.

Heads up Dashboard

Each user gets a snapshot of the daily work. To-do list, charges to enter, documentation due, scheduled visits. Complete your to-do and watch your list grow shorter.

Efficient Documentation

You can’t cut corners on documentation, but you can make it efficient. Via Cura designed the the documentation process into a more natural work flow. Departments are realizing a 50% time savings on documentation!! That’s a big deal.

Powerful Planner

Via Cura designed the planner to be the hub of team activity. Visual feedback to help balance caseloads. Via creates the planner for you – no more lengthy discussions or spending hours trying to balance your team.

Use Cases

Multi-Purpose Platform

Via Cura is essentially a Regional Director in a box, a virtual  DOR, an Executive Clinical Assistant. Spend less time piecing together critical information and more time working on human relationships. 

Therapy Vendors

Via Cura can improve your margins to address the continued pressure of CMS changes.

Managed Therapy

Via Cura shines in the managed therapy model. Gain extra clinical oversight without the additional expense.

In-House Teams

Via Cura will become your virtual DOR assistant and assist with audits, compliance, scheduling, and more.

SNF Chains

Via Cura is ideal for larger SNF providers with a therapy oversight team. Our solution fills in the blanks without adding overhead.

About ViaCura

Clinicians, Operators, and Software Devs

Skilled Clinicians

Via Cura recruited therapy experts in documentation, compliance, practice management, and hands-on practitioners to ensure the product stayed focused on clinical workflow.

Operational Experts

Experts in therapy operations with decades of success in long-term care were employed to ensure operability of the software. Questioning every step and testing for necessity, profitability, and customer delivery.

Software Innovators

Via Cura was born from the new Silicon Valley of the South - Nashville TN. A team of designers, coders, and developers were assembled with deep experience in service delivery innovations. Using current coding and up to date platforms, Via Cura is poised for a long future.


Customer Feedback

rev logo

"We did what we didn't want to do, change software! However, when Casmaba decided to shut down their software, we had no choice. We looked at the market and had tried Optima in the past, it was not great and we weren't willing to go there again with NetHealth. We interviewed many providers and found ViaCura about to launch. The first few months were hard, not going to lie, but now, we have a solid solution that is moving toward the future! We are very excited to have all of our facilities running ViaCura! It's stable and we're back on track. Highly recommend!

Hope Thompson

Chief Operations Officer


Common Pre-Sales Questions

We value our time, so we value your time. No need to jump through hoops to find out how much it costs and what the transition headaches might be. Check out the items below – if you have more questions, touch the chat bubble – bottom right – and we’ll gladly answer any question.

How long does it take to train for transition?

Quoting from many of our beta test sites. 

“Via is very user friendly for our PRN staff.  We don’t receive calls from the PRNs about how to navigate the software on our days off.”

“The software is very easy to use. I was often frustrated with previous software, as it was so difficult to remember how to locate the documentation.”

“This is awesome.  Via seems to have little to no learning curve - I'm a nurse, not a therapist,  and I understand how to navigate and use it.”

"It's very intuitive. It's like you know exactly where to click the first time you see it. Wow!"

With that said, Via Cura will schedule a train-the-trainer event. If the lead staff feels a particular team needs additional training, we'll gladly set up live walk-throughs.

We'll also provide a sandbox test site for your team to get comfortable. 

Typically the process takes no more than 30 days. In fact, after the first or second session, you'll likely cancel any remaining training sessions. 

What about customer support and tech support?

Via Cura will ask that you appoint a key contact person for matters relating to technical support (these are issues such as downtime, functional issues, potential glitches, or one-off hiccups. Our dedicated support specialist will answer your e-mails and chats. 

For clinician user issues, questions about how to use Via Cura, and those steady "how do I?" questions, Via Cura features a chatbot throughout the system. With support personnel ready to assist. Most of the working hours, support is on-demand and ready. During off-hours, support will respond in a timely fashion. 

Do you offer customization to fit our specific needs?

Via Cura is designed to be ready out of the box. While we aren't pretending to cover every possible use case, we do feel the product is clinical-ready and can meet the demands of daily use in the SNF environment. 

If you have special reports or need specific data, we'll evaluate each request. If it's a widely useable feature, we'll consider adding the feature to the roadmap and will be available for all to use. 

For Reporting: If Via Cura isn't collecting the information you need, contact us. We'll discuss special development pricing, scope of work, and practicality. 

What type of therapy provider can use ViaCura?

Via Cura Therapy Software is designed exclusively for Skilled Nursing Facility setting. Whether you are a contract therapy provider, managed model therapy provider, in-house provider, or a corporate chain with an  internal therapy division, we can meet your need. 

Does Via Cura bill Medicare Directly?

Via Cura does not automatically process claims. By Q1 2024, Via will feature a full billing module for add-on.

Via can design exports, UBs, billing files, etc. to fit any 3rd party direct billing software to use if you do not bill your own claims.

Contact our support team to discuss your export file formats and needs. 

Can we use ViaCura for home health or assisted living?

Home health? Yes, but with the understanding that exports and integrations will likely need to be designed for your home health software. 

Assisted Living? Yes, but you'll likely want to add our new full featured claims billing module.  

On the roadmap, you'll see announcements about two new products in the pipeline:

  • Via Casa = Therapy software for home health with automatic seamless integration with Via Cura for providers with both SNF and Home Health. 
  • Via Juvo = A targeted product for Assisted living with direct billing modules and tailored to the needs of ALF care software and advanced wellness practice. 
Does Via Cura work for outpatient clinics?

As with the other settings, you can use Via Cura for outpatient clinics, however, the practice management side of the software is geared toward institutional care vs. private clinic care.

Yes, we can help you in a pinch, but you'll be best served by a private practice solution until we develop our full featured front-end solution (Targeting Late 2024).